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The problem with tourism in Sweden

Tourism in Sweden has always been in a tough spot. Compared to our neighbors, Finland, Norway and Denmark, Sweden is the least desired place people want to go. Normally people do a quick visit to Sweden because they are in the neighborhood.

As an example, can you name something you want to do or see in Sweden? You are probably stomped. Norway has fjords, Finland has Lapland and Denmark has Legoland. What does Sweden have? Most people, after thinking for a while, would say to visit the Swedish forests.

Explore the real Sweden

In reality, Sweden has much more to offer, it is just not marketed well. Swedish tourism is supported mostly by small family-run businesses. However, they don’t have the resources to run large marketing campaigns on their own. MyOwnSweden helps them by running centralized campaigns that promotes several businesses at the same time. This way less resources are needed from each business.

In other words, MyOwnSweden wants to show off small local businesses in the whole of Sweden. We want people to know that Sweden is more than just forests and Stockholm. Specially to tell those living in Sweden that there are many things to do and see, you just have to look.